Why Choose Us?

Fastest Delivery Service in Thailand

     Every customer is different so we offer customized guidelines based on your specific needs. Whether you require a package delivered within an hour or a day, we can make it happen with our efficient air and ground transport network. Since we are the only courier service that utilizes air transport, you can depend on us when you need a fast and reliable service that delivers within 12 hours.

Highly Trained Staff

      We recognize that damaged goods can be a hassle. All of our staff share our values in getting packages delivered to its destination safely, so you can be confident that your package will be delivered quickly and securely. Since SSS specializes in handing fragile and high-value goods, our staff are thoroughly trained to ensure they are capable of caring for your packages in its journey.

     We will not rest until we exceed your expectations which is why our couriers are also trained extensively in every area that impacts your delivery needs. Our delivery personnel are required to wear our exclusive uniform. They blend seamlessly into your business environment and create a distinctive impression so you know that it is us at your door.

Secure Transportation

     Our secure and unique tracking system ensures that we know who your parcel is with at all times. We offer free full track and trace on mobile application and desktop. You can follow your delivery’s progress through our network so you can have peace of mind that your package is going in the right direction.

      We want to make sure that we can deliver on our promises by regularly making improvements to our operations. We have a constantly expanding fleet of delivery vehicles that allow us to increase the amount of deliveries we make each day without compromising on our reliability and speed. Our wide array of air, ground, and water transport vehicles means that we can deliver to you, no matter where you are.
